For the Roadtripper, Like a Month Ago?

Adam V Becker
13 min readAug 8, 2021


Recently, I spent a rather large amount of time in the company of a fascinating individual. Always a dangerous thing to do. They tend to make you think about things, the bastards. Anyways, this girl, in particular, was on her way to give a heck about you & me & this world of ours by joining the Pipeline 3 resistance camps in Minnesota. They’re fighting against Enbridge, a company with a record of oil spills; a company building yet another pipeline. A company that is violating multiple treaties with Native American tribes, endangering the headwaters of the…



Adam V Becker

living life & narrativizing it / writing about the inches along the way / insta @thatsmyapple / twitter @thatsmyappletoo